Week 1 asked for a photo of a cupcake, so I called upon my daughter Mindi. (Poor thing, that's what she gets for living with me!)
Pretty yummy, huh? I like to call this one "Guilty Pleasures."

I recently photographed the graduation ceremonies of two independent study schools. These kids have had to overcome disheartening odds to reach the stage this day, where their proud principals, school board members and teachers waited to award them their diplomas.
Many of these young people are foster kids, homeless, working full time, single parents ... to them, issues like who wore the same dress to prom really are kid stuff.
One young woman accepted her "overcomer" award with tears streaming down her face. She'd endured the exhaustion of working full time, with two small children, as she finished her requirements. Another young mother persisted until, on her eighth try, she finally passed the math portion of the high school exit exam.
Many were of above-average age: one of the teachers proudly pointed out the 22-year-old who came back to see him at the independent charter school after having dropped out -- again. He had a job offer, but the employer couldn't use him unless he had a diploma. His priorities clear, he finally completed his coursework.
Sitting among the audience, listening to the hubbub of the parents, friends and babies, I could tell that many of these youth would not repeat the scene among university compatriots. Nevertheless, this day would change their lives forever. They have at least tasted the satisfaction of completing a worthy goal. They know now that hard work does pay off.
They can do anything they set their minds to do. Congratulations, Class of 2010!