Whether it's the soft morning light on a delicate weed, the playful expression of a pet, your adorable baby, the flowers or leaves in your back yard -- you need only open your eyes and look closely to find a world of images that will test your photographic skills and fire your imagination.
Simply grabbing a camera when you go on your morning walk can get your creative juices flowing. For photographers, the important thing is to keep snapping the shutter. You don't need fancy lighting setups, professional models or exotic locales to produce amazing photographs.
Need inspiration? Simply visit your local produce market and select a variety of fruits and vegetables. Look for unusual textures and colors and experiment with simple diffuse outdoor lighting or a bare bulb, dark and light backgrounds, selective focus, and various white balances. I'm willing to bet that just a few hours' exploration will leave your photographic eye sharper, more aware and stoked with new ideas!
That's what Kristi's Eye is all about.